Wednesday, February 14, 2007


karin stromm - betydelsen av rum - 4 out 5 - spring ikea catalogs

ok when this song first starts, you think of the nelly and kelly song dilemma(which is ok cause that is one of my favorite all time songs). i like songs sung in swedish alot, will karin do a kent and record a album in english also. i don't really care cause this record rules. sweden is all over the place rigth now with its music and fashion. karin is another artist you need to add to your itunes or ipod.

karin strom - betydelsen av rum mp3

karin strom - klaustrofobi - 4.5 out 5 - scarey swedish forest

this makes me think of the few times i spent in the country of sweden. in the middle of nowhere lidkoping. very dark and scarey and silent at night. but in the morning amazing looking. this is the perfect song in the northeast section of states for 2 reasons. 1 being its vday 2 we are in the middle of winter storm.

karin strom - klaustrofobi mp3

on a side note karin is very friendly person so send her a message on myspace. and please go and buy her cd if you can find it.
karin strom - myspace link
karin strom home page

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